Tuesday 24 May 2011



The website I've chosen that I feel best represents America is the Google home page. This may seem a slightly abstract choice but to me it encapsulates most things that America stands for. Google allows the world to be at your fingertips or a click of the mouse within a desired framework. You can do anything, find anything, promote anything and say anything you want with it. To me it draws parallels with the America's democratic system and the freedom that allows. The opportunities and possibilities that are and have been made available by Google mimic those that America has represented to the world as achievable within its borders. The idea of the 'American Dream' spread around the world and people flocked there in pursuit of it. Similarly in pre-Google days finding/doing things was painstakingly hard but nowadays I imagine it is one of the most frequently visited sites the world over. This draws another comparison in that it could be viewed as yet another example of America's 'soft power' , a part of a vast sphere of cultural and political export of its values over seas. Google is a multinational corporation, a spear head of what lies at the heart of American values, capitalism. The founders are pristine examples of the benefits and possibilities of the American dream, rising from modest backgrounds to being billionaires with just an idea and some hard work. All of these reasons fit to show that Google, the ideas behind it and the possibilities it represents best encapsulates America for me.

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