Tuesday 10 May 2011

9/11 Tributes

I've posted two tribute to 9/11 videos because i thought the comparables within them highlighted some key traits of how Americans view the event and themselves. Both videos have a strongly religious theme whether its the cross made by two metal girders from the towers or images of people praying, God is always invoked to watch over the victims and people effected. This shows the extent of the importance of religion to Americans for it to be at the forefront of such a unifying disaster. Jesus also features in a child's pencil drawing that shows him embracing the victims of the tragedy as he watches over it happening, (this seems a strange contradiction to me in that if he was watching over and protecting these people why didn't he stop it from happening??) again representing the importance of religion in the handling and acceptance of the aftermath.

As well as various images of the actual event both videos have manufactured images that represent integral images of American identity. One shows a bald eagle with a teardrop as it seems to gaze upon a picture of the two towers smoking, this is set to an American flag backdrop. In the other the stars and stripes are used again this time in conjunction with the statue of liberty and the words 'We will never forget'. Both seem to be attempting to show the strength and pride in the American spirit by using their most powerful emblems to invoke feelings of patriotism.

President Bush features in both videos as well, in one there are images of him condoling people effected and another of him almost welling up with just a hint of tears in his eyes, in the other audio of one of his speeches is played over images of the event. He talks about the unifying aspect of it and how it was a tragedy for the whole nation and also invokes God again 'May God bless America'. The use of the President displays how encompassing the event was for the nation and everyone in it, not just the ones directly effected.

Though these two people created these videos entirely separately and at differing times after the event the similarities between them are startling and speak to the shared feelings that Americans have in regards to the event. Even the musical soundtracks are very similar, both are melancholy extremely emotive songs designed to make you reflect on what you are seeing.

There were a couple of things that I found quite ironic, not within the videos themselves but in the surrounding advertising on youtube. To the right of the video were an advert for travel insurance with an emblem of a plane and the phrase 'choose the right travel insurance for you and your family'. The other was underneath where there was a link to click if you wanted to buy the music featured in the video direct from itunes. This seemed to represent to me the epitome of consumer capitalism, the very thing the terrorists were attacking that day!

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