Tuesday 15 March 2011


This video is not 100% pro immigration but is interviewing a spokesperson for the anti-deformation league who is trying to raise awareness of the discrimination leveled at Latinos by hate groups that has been adopted by the mainstream media in the conflict over illegal immigration in South West USA. It contains various clips from news shows where authors, politicians and well known names like Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs are shown to be using defamatory language or 'codewords' to describe the influx of Latino people into the region. She suggests that in using words like 'invaders' and 'illegal aliens' these people are trying to paint the Latinos as a threat to American values and instill a fear within the population that is then not only held in regard to illegal immigrants but to legitimate ones as well and hate-crimes have happened as a result. The news clips even at one point show someone Glenn Beck is interviewing describe the situation as 'a war, but the Mexicans are the only ones fighting it'. This kind of inflammatory rhetoric has already come under fire with the Gabby Giffords shooting earlier this year and it seems to be similar culprits i.e. the far right, attempting to utilise it to exploit fears and curry favour when discussing other contemporary issues.

This video is a mix of various prominent Latino community leaders and politicians talking about the issues associated with immigration in the South West or as some of them deem it 'Aztlan'. When listening to what they are saying there is a feeling of injustice, they feel cheated of the territory that was originally theirs and though the politicians are careful in regards to how confrontational their language is the other speakers out right declare that Latinos should take it back. When you hear this and the see the demonstrator images and redrawn maps of the USA it becomes easy to understand how predominantly white conservatives at the other end of the nation are getting concerned about what the aims of this ever increasing section of their society are. Though there are some extreme views expressed by some speakers the majority are talking about assimilation and acceptance that they want from the rest of the country. The images of protesting crowds are holding masses of American flags and waving them with gusto, would they be doing this if they wanted to annex the South West back to Mexico?

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