Tuesday 8 February 2011

masculinity identity


This is a blog posted by a women named Hallie.
Her topic this week was about masculinity and how it has changed. She interviewed a 28 year old man (name unknown) and asked him questions about how easy he finds it to be a man and opening up to other male friends.

Overall he thinks that it more acceptable for men to talk about their feelings and being able to talk to someone has made him become more verbally expressive and confident.

Hallie starts by mentioning “The Hearts of Men" by Barbara Ehrenreich who is a an American feminist, democratic socialist and political activist.

Ehrenreich's book illustrates how gender roles have highly constricted men, not just women, and therefore have inhibited American society from developing its full potential.The most striking element of Ehrenreich 's argument, however, lies in the her assertion that men have suffered more than women from their gender role.

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